Thursday, December 20, 2007

whoop de do and hickory dock

almost no post at all today; check the old archive if you are absolutely friggin starved for my opinion.

todays title comes courtesy of a goofy-ass andy williams song, that loves to get stuck in my head because the lyrics are just funny. take this fragment for instance:

"its the holiday season/so whoop de do, and hickory dock/and don't forget to hang up your sock"

doesn't whoop-de-doo mean "who cares?" thats how i use whoop-de-doo. so it sounds to me like andy williams is saying 'its the holiday season, whatever, fuck it'. which is funny.

someone started a thread over @ the forums, about bashing the lord of the rings movies. i was really excited to hear about the production for the first movie while they were filming it, up to the release, and then was so incredibly underwhelmed that i still haven't seen the other two. what cracks me up in the thread is a great impression of tolkien's writing style:

Trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees Ah, of old we had much better trees than theese trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees you were knocked out at the beginning of the battle, frodo, let me recount the events trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees ah, the planting of such trees is lost to us now trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees.

the best part? "you were knocked out at the beginning of the battle, frodo, let me recount the events". thats good soup.

fridays almost here, christmas looming. i have 2 places i have to go on christmas eve and 2 more on christmas day. wow thats kind of a lot.

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