Monday, December 24, 2007


i love fictional things that take the news hostage.

like when the news does reports on santa claus making his deliveries. this stuff is awesome.

why dont they let me write fake news?

i'm excited about several things im getting for christmas this evening:

-trainspotting DVD. porsche is really excited about it too, having downloaded a pirate of the movie onto her laptop, which then messed up a good-ways in. so she gets to finish it tonight. in highschool i actually had to replace my VHS of trainspotting on at least 2 occasions, so i can't believe i don't have it already. i likes the movie, i likes the book. its been a long time too since ive seen it last.
-superbad DVD. so much less crafted feeling than knocked up, but you know what? i like that about it. the lead actors are a perfect comedy team. every line coming out of jonah hill's mouth is gold-plated funny, you could have him tell me i have cancer, and it would be funny. and bill hader & seth rogen make hilarious cops. between trainspotting, this, a replacement copy of knocked up (which i already misplaced around the house), and our old 40 year old virgin copy, we may end up running a movie marathon tonight.
-dip pen stuff. yeah, i already have black and white ink bottles. and porsche has a few nibs and two nib holders, plus a holder FOR YOUR HOLDERS. but ive never actually owned or even really tried using that sort of thing. so tonight, i get a speedball nib holder and a couple of different nib sampler sets, and a little box to hold all our loose nibs. HOORAY! god. i need to become cooler someday. but for now, its dip pens baby. dip pens all the way.

-two whole cds of sufjan stevens music! that'd be his "come on feel the illinois" release, plus the cd of leftovers from those sessions. awesome. his michigan cd doesn't have a single bad track on it, and it somehow finds a way to haunt me, but cheerily.

-the new drawing on the right side of the brain. this is an art instruction book that i see listed everywhere, when someone asks for a book that would be good for learning to draw. its on every list like that. finally, twill be mine. flipped through it at the store and wanted to read the whole thing right there.

-peanuts collected reprintstwo volumes of the fantagraphics reprints, in a neat little case. peanuts was ubiquitous enough by the time i was exposed to it, that i just kind of took it for granted growing up. and now, the older i get, the more i like these strips, and the less i understand how young wes shrugged them off so easily. these are going to be really good reading, healing-type reading.

god, there's so much more too. porsche and i have already decided we are staying up late tonight. we'll have to, there's going to be too much cool stuff to play with!

merry christmas!

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